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Nusantara Software Industry (NSI) is aimed to be a pioneer in system-level software industry center in Indonesia. It has been developing and maintaining zJOS-XDI©, a bundled integrated automation software products for z/OS platform, since 2004.   Integrated means, it will give those of you who operate multiple z/OS mainframe hosts the opportunity to integrate them into a single control.   Server and agent at the moment is only provided for z/OS platform.
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Non-z/OS host is not supported at the moment.   However, as the protocol design is openly provided, you have opportunity to develop your own agent.   Learn more …
zJOS-XDI products have proven their quality and reliability in users’ production system over a decade in Indonesia. zJOS-XDI consists of 3 products. You can use it by subscribing as you normally do with PC software, either one, two products or the whole package. These products are:

[vc_row row_type=”row” use_row_as_full_screen_section=”no” type=”full_width” text_align=”left” background_image_as_pattern=”without_pattern” padding_top=”50″ padding_bottom=”50″][vc_column width=”1/1″][vc_accordion style=”accordion”][vc_accordion_tab title=”zJOS/SEKAR” title_tag=”h2″][vc_column_text]Systems events manager, to manage a list of users’ defined automation rules, where each is a set of automatic action(s) to be fired against occurrences a certain case of a certain type of system-event. As an events manager, Sekar works without operation cycle. This means, Sekar keeps watching each users’ defined rule all the time and immediately fires any rule whenever expected event is occurred. Sekar recognizes messages, commands, job-step termination (batch job or STC) and job termination (batch job or STC) events as well as date/time schedule for either a time range or one shot, and capable to fire multiple actions on multiple z/OS hosts. Sekar runs as a subsystem of z/OS operating system and a group of subtasks within zJOS-XDI framework. Within the framework, Sekar acts as an organizer who establishes and facilitates the framework and its rule of the game. Hence Sekar must be active all the time. Unlicensed users must also have Sekar active just to keep the framework up.Read More[/vc_column_text][/vc_accordion_tab]

[vc_accordion_tab title=”zJOS/PUSPA” title_tag=”h2″][vc_column_text]Events-driven workloads scheduler, to manage lists of users’ defined automatic workload execution schedule(s), where each is based on occurrences of combination of a number of cases of types of system-events. As a workloads manager, Puspa works based on operation cycle. Only ongoing schedules are watched during its cycled. Well done and error schedules are ignored up to the cycle is completed or requested by admin to be rescheduled.  Any workload in an ongoing schedule will be immediately scheduled for execution whenever all expected triggers are complied.  Puspa recognizes messages, commands, job-step termination (batch job or STC), job termination (batch job or STC) and dataset access (open) / dataset release (close) events and date/time schedule, and capable to fire multiple schedules on multiple z/OS hosts based on accomplishment of multiple conditional triggers from multiple of events types and occurrences. Users can execute scheduled job manually, but Puspa will recognize it and won’t take its status to trigger its successors. Puspa runs as a subsystem of z/OS operating system and a group of subtasks within zJOS-XDI framework. Puspa needs Sekar to have the framework ready.
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[vc_accordion_tab title=”XDI/AUTOXFER” title_tag=”h2″][vc_column_text]Spool/outputs distribution, to manage users’ defined spool/outputs download and/or distribution based on their occurrences in selected classes and/or with selected writer name and/or from selected job names.   It can run as a group of subtasks within zJOS-XDI framework or outside zJOS-XDI framework in separate address space.
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[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/1″][vc_column_text]zJOS-XDI is featured with integration facility. In networked multiple z/OS hosts, you can automate all events managements and scheduling systems integrally at a single control with agent technology. Occurrence of an event in any host can trigger any set of actions or schedule in any or several hosts. Schedule of a job can be based on multiple occurrences of events in any or several hosts.
As solutions to mission-critical application environment, zJOS-XDI has been proven in the real production environments in Indonesia. It’s very user friendly and doesn’t require special skills to operate. No scripting is needed. Replacing your existing mainframe automation tools with zJOS-XDI means modernize your system as well as extremely cut the costs.


zJOS – Mainframe Automation Solution

“Kami yakin, suatu hari kelak akan mampu merobohkan kokohnya fanatisme bangsa ini dalam mengagumi dan mendukung karya bangsa lain”[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]