Author’s Records



Deru Sudibyo has over 20 years experiences in systems/control programming and systems engineering works of IBM mainframe businesses, from supporting operation, managing/optimizing performance, analyzing capacity, establishing rules for automation and security and systems programming in MVS and VM environments. In systems programming area, was not just customizing parameters and exits, rather, include enhancing the OS by developing some new functions for automation, spool distribution, VM-MVS command piping (either via hypervisor or network interface), new essential command processors for TSO, CMS and MVS console (SSI), new essential rexx functions packages (math, stats and VSAM) for CMS and TSO and so forth.


Since 2003, Deru has been focusing on his own software development project for z/OS platform, designing, developing and supporting an integrated automation solution ranged from automatic actions against any system event (message, command, TOD, job-end, job-step-end, dataset access/release etc) in either the same or different host, automatic (event driven) workloads scheduler for either single or multiple hosts, and automatic spool distribution from z/OS to any platform. The products are bundled and labeled as zJOS (“Jawaban Otomasi Sistem” for system z) and since 2004 are being used by BNI, the largest government bank in Indonesia. The products are marketed by Nusantara Software Industry (NSI), a business unit within PT Agrisoft Citra Buana. It doesn’t mean he is setting up an ISV. He knows he is not in that capacity, ora bakal payu wong bangsane dhewe ora bakal ngregani nyang karyane putrane dhewe. So, he expects, by referring the prove in BNI’s system, one day there is an ISV interested to take over the ownership and continue supporting BNI. Buyer can also hire him to continue maintaining the products.





z/OS and z/VM internals, assembler, machine-level programming (standalone program, boostrap, FLIH, SLIH etc), system-level programming (SSI, LX, dataspace, hyperspace, DIV, EXCP etc) and network programming (SNA and TCP/IP)




Products Owner/Author/Architect (self employed)


Nusantara Software Industry(NSI)

Computer Software industry

January 2003 – Present (7 years 11 months)


NSI is a business unit of PT Agrisoft Citra Buana, to maintain, enhance and market zJOS-XDI, his own software products package, an integrated automation tools or robot-ware for z/OS platform. zJOS-XDI consists of events automation, workloads scheduler and spool distribution systems. Since 2004, zJOS-XDI has been properly running in one customer in Jakarta, BNI, the largest government bank, replaced 6 products of 2 most popular vendors.


zJOS-XDI was coded in assembler (HLASM) and involves subsystem (SSI), DIV, Dataspace, cross-memory, multi TCB/SRB tasks, SAF, TCP/IP socket etc. No dependency to other products except z/OS, JES2, TSO/ISPF and TCP/IP (for multi system only).


Technical Consultant (post sales support) for SEA region

Computer Associates Inc

Public Company; CA; Computer Software industry

September 1997 – December 2002 (5 years 4 months)


Performed all high quality services in CA solutions/products setup and implementation in CA customers around South East Asia region. Somehow also create a specific interface to get the product run smoothly in uncommon situation. He has given a very high distinction services in providing solution while a customer required CA-Xcom to be assigned as CA-Dispatch transmitter due to lack of Dispatch transmitter feature, by developing external interface without touching Xcom and Dispatch source codes. The interface was coded in assembler (HLASM) and involve JES2 SSI calls, dataspace, SVC99 functions and some exits for system and both products.


Sr Systems Engineer

PT Swadharma Duta Data

Information Technology and Services industry

December 1988 – December 1996 (8 years 1 month)


Performed all high quality systems engineering services to the company from capacity planning, performance management, production support, systems programming for MVS and VM platforms and training (assembler, some MVS internals and capacity and performance evaluation). In systems programming area, he has given very high distinction service in providing new system functions by developing spool management of MVS and VM to distribute spool outputs to all customer’s branches in Indonesia via SNA network. The product was called SSRF (stand for spool splitter and router facilities). SSRF was coded in assembler (H) and involves JES2 SSI calls (SAPI), VM diag 08, IUCV, GCS, VTAM (macros), cross-memory etc.


Systems Engineer

PT NAS of Metrodata

Public Company; Information Technology and Services industry

October 1987 – December 1988 (1 year 3 months)


Performed high quality services to NAS customers from system/capacity planning, performance optimization, configuration design and systems installation and generation. He has given a very high distinction service to the company by developing PC software to analyze and forecast system capacity growth based on RMF (MVS) and/or VMMAP (VM) data. The software was known as SIOPAT (stand for systems and I/O performance analysis tool) and coded in BASIC.


Systems Engineer

PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia

Public Company; BRI; Banking industry

January 1986 – October 1987 (1 year 10 months)


Performed high quality support and services mainly to BRI’s VM/VSE production system, include system configuration setup and installation, performance management and systems programming. In system programming area, he has given a very high distinction record in automation initiative by developing automation tools package in VM. The package was known as SPICO, stand for “sistem penanganan informasi cara otomatis” – automatic information handling system. SPICO was coded in assembler (BAL) and involves CP (some hipervisors), CMS, multitasking (GCS), IUCV, VMCF etc. His other distinction record was a local rexx functions package to resolve some math and statistics functions for users’ CMS/rexx programs.


Programmer / Analyst

PT Bina Cipta Informatika

Computer Software industry

November 1984 – December 1986 (2 years 2 months)


Performed application design and programming in some software development projects. Also conduct some programming training classes as an instructor.



  • Assembler coding (Expert, 20+ years experience)
  • z/OS MVS (+JES2) internals (SSI, SVC, Dtspace, DIV, SAF etc) (Expert, 20+ years experience)
  • VM (up to ESA) internals (Diag, SVC, DCSS, Nucext, GCS etc) (Expert, 10 years experience)
  • SNA programming (Advanced, 12 years experience)
  • TCP/IP programming (using Assembler only) (Advanced, 10 years experience)
  • Rexx and ISPF (+GML) codings (Expert, 20+ years experience)
  • Systems programming (Expert, 20+ years experience)
  • Capacity planning (Expert, 20+ years experience)
  • CICS programming (using Assembler) (Expert, 10 years experience)
  • CICS programming (using Cobol or PL/1) (Intermediate, 3 years experience)
  • C/C++ coding (Intermediate, 3 years experience)
  • Cobol, PL/1, Pascal, Fortran and Basic codings (Intermediate, 3 years experience)
  • SysAdmin (SCP, CS, RACF, ACF2) (Advanced, 8 years experience)
  • Software engineering (Expert, 15 years experience)
  • Systems engineering (Expert, 15 years experience)